Saturday, October 2, 2010

Hakuna Ma Tatas

Hakuna matata, what a wonderful phrase! It means no worries for the rest of your days.. even if you had.. well at least in my case, non existent "tatas".

I have nothing against boob jobs or people who want them.. I just dont want them for myself.. Being blessed with an athletic build.. if I had the kind of tatas that make heads turn or at least have the normal sized ones.. I think Id look chunkier than how I already look.. So, yeah.. thats hakuna mah tata for me!

Despite of being told to be proud and shake what our mommas gave us.. there are still women who believe they would be happier with themselves if they had a boob job. Well.. not to discourage any of you.. but heres a video you should consider watching before you actually get one.

If I scared you, Im sorry.. but to put your mind at ease, heres a Myth Busters video subjecting silicone pads to high pressure.

So there are two sides to the story.. If you still plan to get them, and if there was any truth to that first video, I hope for your sake that you dont get the same pads as those which the woman got.

Tata! :)

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